Consulting Services
Free Services
See all articlesFree Employee Handbook - Review
What’s the Process?
Upload a current copy of your handbook, along with the number of employees your company has and in what State(s) you operate in.
How Long Does the Process Take?
Handbook reviews take 1-2 business days to complete. Your handbook is being reviewed for all pertinent State and Federal laws to ensure it is compliant to best protect your company.
What does it cost?
One state is included at no cost. Each additional state is $75 each.
What does the report look like?
The report will actually grade the legality and compliance of your current handbook. You will receive an accurate assessment of your handbook’s compliance in these categories.
Sample Report is attached
How to Order
Business Concierge Onboarding
Schedule a 15-20 minute onboarding meeting
- Review client portal and overview of services
- Where and how to sign into the portal and find phone/chat support
- Walkthrough of consult process
- Discuss types of consult questions and timeframes
- Detailed review of products and services
- Review any immediate needs and help get started
Click Here To Schedule Your Onboarding!
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
Sexual harassment is a genuine threat in the workplace. It’s important to remember that even if an employee doesn’t intend to harass another employee, the perception of the employee that comments are directed towards matters. There are strict guidelines against sexual harassment, and following them can keep employees from making career-damaging mistakes.
This training satisfies the statutory requirements for education on sexual harassment as required by specific state laws. In doing so, it covers the importance of a harassment-free workplace, the legal definitions of harassment, employer obligations, the components of anti-harassment policies, abusive conduct or bullying, retaliation, liability and remedies for harassment under the law, and how to prevent harassment and discrimination in the workplace.
To order your free Sexual Harassment Training please click Get Started Here at the bottom of the page and be sure to specify your state.
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training is required in the following states:
For employers with 5 or more employees
By January 1st, 2021, employers with five or more employees must train all employees and supervisors within six months of their start date, and then retrain every two years.
- Supervisors must complete at least two hours of classroom or other interactive training and education on sexual harassment prevention.
- Nonsupervisory employees must complete at least one hour of classroom or interactive training and education.
- New nonsupervisory employees must be trained within six months of their hire.
- Supervisors must be trained within six months of assuming a supervisory position.
- An employer who has provided this training and education to an employee in 2019 is not required to provide refresher training and education again until two years thereafter.
- Temporary and seasonal employees – or any employee hired to work less than six months – must also be trained within thirty calendar days after their hire date or within 100 hours worked, whichever comes first.
For every employer in Connecticut
New laws effective October 1, 2019.
All Connecticut employers, regardless of size, are now required to provide sexual harassment training to supervisory employees by October 1, 2020, or within six months of an employee assuming a supervisory role.
For employers with 3 or more employees
- Organizations with 3 or more employees must provide two hours of training to all employees.
- For existing employees, this training must be provided by October 1, 2020, and retrained at least every 10 years.
- All employees hired on or after October 1, 2019 must receive the training within six months of hire, and retrained at least every 10 years.
- Anyone who received the two-hour training after Oct. 1, 2018 does not have to be retrained.
- Employers are encouraged to maintain training records for a minimum of one year.
For employers with 50 or more employees
New laws effective January 1, 2019.
- Employers must provide interactive training and education to all employees and supervisors.
- All current employees must be trained by December 31, 2019, and then every two years.
- All new employees hired after January 1, 2019 must be trained within the first year of their start date, and then every two years.
- Supervisors must receive additional training on their responsibilities to prevent and correct sexual harassment and retaliation, and then be retrained every two years.
For every employer in Illinois
New laws effective January 1, 2020. All Illinois employers are required to provide sexual harassment prevention training to all employees on an annual basis.
- New employees must receive sexual harassment training within ninety days of hire.
- Employers must either use the model sexual harassment training program of the Illinois Department of Human Rights or establish training that exceeds the minimum standards provided by the model training.
- Special requirements are in place for restaurants and bars. These include providing employees with sexual harassment prevention training that is tailored to the restaurant and bar industry and a written sexual harassment policy in English and Spanish.
For employers with 15 or more employees
- Employers must provide training to all employees within one year of their start date.
- Supervisory and managerial employees must receive additional training within one year of their hire or promotion on their specific responsibilities to address sexual harassment complaints.
- Employers must keep training records for at least three years and must make the records available for inspection upon request.
New York State
For every employer in New York State
By October 9, 2019, all NY employees must complete sexual harassment training, and then be retrained on an annual basis.
- New employees should be trained as soon as possible after their start date.
- All workers must be trained, regardless of immigration status, including part-time, temporary and seasonal workers.
- The training must be interactive, requiring some level of employee participation and may be web-based.
- Employers should provide employees with training in the language spoken by their employees.
- Employers are encouraged (not required) to keep a copy of training records and a signed acknowledgment that employees have read the organization’s sexual harassment prevention policy.
New York City
For employers with 15 or more employees
New York City employers have additional training requirements under the Stop Sexual Harassment in NYC Act. Effective April 1, 2019, employers are required to train their employees annually.
- Employers are encouraged to train new employees as soon as possible.
- Employers must train part-time and temporary employees and independent contractors, who work more than eighty hours in a calendar year and work or at least ninety days.
- Training must cover bystander intervention, the prohibition of retaliation and provide information on the complaint process available through the NYC Commission on Human Rights, the New York State Division of Human Rights and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
- Employers must keep training records for at least three years, including signed employee acknowledgements, which may be electronic. Records must be available for inspection upon request.
Washington (State)
- All employers in the hospitality, retail, and security guard industries
- Employers in these industries must provide sexual harassment prevention training to all employees and additional training to managers and supervisors.
- Training must include education on preventing sexual harassment, how to file a complaint, and the process of investigating claims.
- New hires must receive training within 90 days of hire.
X-Mod Review
The experience modification rate (called the XMod) rewards companies who handle their claims well by lowering their premium, and it has the reverse effect when claims are poorly managed.
However, as much as 60% of the data used in the XMod calculations that determine an employer’s premium is incorrect. This means you may be paying a higher rate than you should be.
If you can improve your XMod, you can reduce your workers comp costs. That’s where XMod Review comes in.
What is it?
The XMod Review is an assessment that helps you optimize your experience modification rate on your workers’ compensation policy.
What does it cost?
The assessment is completely free to members.
If you choose to use this service, the cost is 3-6% of the premium. This is a small charge when you consider an average ROI of 600%!
Some Typical Results:
• Decrease in Claim Frequency Rate of 21%
• Decrease in Cost Per Claim of 51%
• 30% Reduction in Loss Ratio
What is the process?
You can request an XMod Review through your member portal or by contacting us directly. We’ll ask for some standard documentation regarding your XMod, then after careful evaluation, you’ll receive a proposal which details the savings that we can offer you with XMod Review.
How to Order
Safety Plan – Review
OSHA is quick to scrutinize a business to determine whether the fault of injury lies with the employee or the employer. OSHA looks for two things when an accident occurs: If the business has a safety plan in place and whether it’s adequate enough to fully protect the company.
If discrepancies are found with an existing safety plan, it could end up costing a business hundreds to thousands of dollars.
Safety Plans are a regulatory requirement. They also assist you in developing a Safe and Secure work environment for your company.
Now you can get a quality review of your safety plan, so you can ensure that it protects your business in the case of an unfortunate accident.
*Safety Plan review is for Employers with 10 employees or more only.
How to Order
Cyber Security Assessment
In this day and age, almost every interaction your business has with its clients involves at least some form of technology. And because of this, when technology doesn’t work as intended, or is compromised, it can cause devastating issues for your business and put your sales at risk. This means that your tech equipment and software needs to be in tip-top shape, and when things go wrong, the problems need to be fixed ASAP.
● Risk Assessments (Cyber and Business)
● Business Impact Analysis (Risk, Cybersecurity, Compliance)
● Compliance Assessments (PCI DSS, SWIFT, NIST CSP, 800-53, 171, and many others)
● Ransomware Assessment
● Business Continuity Plan Development
● Incident Response Plan Development
● IT Recovery Strategy Development
● Policy Review and Development
● Project and Remediation Consulting
● CMMC Preparations
Management and Sustainability
● Client Compliance Management (Banks, Insurance, Franchise Businesses)
● Risk and Compliance programs management or oversight
● Vulnerability Lifecycle management, including PCI ASV
● Penetration Testing
● Virtual CISO
● IT Project Management
● Continuous Ransomware Readiness
How to Order
Safety Services
See all articlesSafety Plan / Illness and Injury Prevention Program
OSHA is quick to scrutinize a business to determine whether the fault of injury lies with the employee or the employer. OSHA looks for two things when an accident occurs: If the business has a Safety Plan in place and whether it’s adequate enough to fully protect the company.
If discrepancies are found with an existing Safety Plan, or an employer does not have one in place, it could end up costing a business hundreds to thousands of dollars.
Every day, 12 people are killed on the job, and 9,000 others are injured. A Safety Plan is a written document that helps to protect employees from health and physical danger that could potentially harm or kill them. It designates all processes for determining health and physical danger, procedures to prevent accidents, and what to do when an accident occurs.
A quality Safety Plan protects your business in the case of an unfortunate accident.
Contact us to get your custom IIPP quote today!
How to Order
Safety Manual - Custom
OSHA is quick to scrutinize a business to determine whether the fault of injury lies with the employee or the employer.
OSHA looks for two things when an accident occurs:
If the business has a Safety Plan in place and whether it’s adequate enough to fully protect the company.
If discrepancies are found with an existing Safety Plan, or an employer does not have one in place, it could end up costing a business hundreds to thousands of dollars.
Every day, 12 people are killed on the job, and 9,000 others are injured.
A Safety Plan is a written document that helps to protect employees from health and physical danger that could potentially harm or kill them. It designates all processes for determining health and physical danger, procedures to prevent accidents, and what to do when an accident occurs. A quality Safety Plan protects your business in the case of an unfortunate accident.
How to Order
Safety Plan Builder
When an injury or death occurs on a business’s premises, OSHA is quick to determine fault. OSHA will always consider at least two things when they investigate an accident: 1) If your business has a Safety Plan in place and 2) Whether the plan is compliant. If discrepancies are found with an existing Safety Plan, it could end up costing your business hundreds to thousands of dollars. This is why it's important to make sure that your business not only has a Safety Plan, but also that it’s compliant.
We are happy to provide you with an easy to use Safety Plan Builder!
This quick and cost effective Safety Plan Builder gives you the required Illness and Injury Prevention Plan (IIPP) in minutes. After purchase, simply complete the questionnaire and check all of the boxes that apply to your business and select which plan elements that you want to include. You are required to have the IIPP, Code of Safe Practices and a Heat Stress Program, all of which are included in the Builder. A Safety Plan will be generated and sent to you via email. In just minutes you can ensure your business will be protected!
Safety Tailgate Meeting
Safety Meetings (52 weeks) are easy to read and quick to deliver, allowing supervisors to effectively incorporate safety into their day-to-day operation without stopping production.
You can choose from a large library of meetings that range from basic topics applicable to anyone in any industry, to highly-targeted and industry-specific topics. Once you purchase the meeting, we will send you a full list so you can choose the topics that you need.
You can also customize the meetings with your company’s name and logo to reinforce to your employees your commitment to ongoing safety training and to use as an ongoing personalized safety resource. We also offer the meetings in English and Spanish, which you can choose once we send you your topic list.
Time to Delivery
- Immediate for online
- 5 business days for US mail
Pricing Starts at $231
Available in English & Spanish
How to Order
Workplace Violence Prevention Plan
This is an important mandated document for California businesses effective July 1, 2024.
SB 553: Preventing Workplace Violence was signed into law on September 30, 2023. Under the Bill, employers have until July 1, 2024, to develop and maintain written prevention plans and training programs tailored to their specific workplaces. This law applies to any workspace that interacts with customers, clients, vendors, visitors or guests and to any company with more than 10 employees. Cal/OSHA will be responsible for ensuring the plan is in place and employees are trained.
Non-compliance could cost you between $12,000 and $25,000 in penalties!
Are You Prepared?
Regardless of how you feel about California, ignoring this new legislation isn’t just a legal gamble; it puts your employees and your entire business at risk. The impact of a violent incident can be devastating, affecting your team’s safety, your company’s reputation, and your bottom line.
We Have the Solution
Once we heard about what California was doing, we got to work to develop a simple, easy, and effective Workplace Violence Safety Plan to ensure your compliance with SB 553. With it, you’ll get:
This Workplace Violence Prevention Plan includes:
- WVPP Plan
- WVPP Required Record keeping forms
- WVPP Employee Training
- WVPP Supervisor Training
- WVPP Self-Assessment Tools
- WVPP Safety Bulletins
This plan sells for $499
Members Clients Only $399!
Products and Services
See all articlesCustom Employee Handbook
Labor law changes constantly at the state and federal level. It is nearly impossible to stay on top of all of this information. If your Employee Handbook contains policies that are inconsistent with the law, this leaves your company exposed to potential lawsuits and thousands in fees and fines.
A well maintained Employee Handbook is one of the single best defenses against unwarranted employee claims and EEOC issues. Claims with any legitimacy can cost up to $40,000.
An Employee Handbook is a document that helps your employees know and adhere to your company policies, while also helping your management to correctly apply the rules to all employees.
Here is how it works:
You will meet with an SHRP-CP to discuss your business, industry, and the content required for your Custom Employee Handbook. Then they will use their Handbook template and verbiage, incorporating your existing policies to create a new compliant Handbook.
Yearly Updates
$1,495 for one state $250 per additional state.
Employee Background Check & Drug Testing Services
There are two services available: Employee Background Checks & Drug Testing Services, or Background Checks only. Please read the descriptions of each service below.
Employee Background Checks:
Filling open positions can be tough. Partner with us for a fast and easy screening process so you can hire quickly.
No matter the size of your business, we have the technology you need, the compliance you expect, and the service you deserve. Our background check programs have your best interest and tailor our approach to give you a quality program that aligns with the unique demands of your business.
Time to Delivery
1 to 3 Business Days
Package Pricing
$40 one time admin fee.
Basic $26.50+fees includes
- National Criminal Records Search
- National Sex Offender Registry Search
- County/Statewide Criminal Records
Standard $40.00+fees includes
- Basic Package+
- Federal Criminal Records Search
Premium $60.00+fees includes
- Standard Package+
- Education Verification
- Employer Verification
Drug Testing & Employee Background Screening:
Implementing comprehensive drug screening helps ensure that your workplace and employees are operating in a way that is safe and effective. A program that combines drug test and health services in conjunction with background screening is one of the best ways to validate your candidates and employees are the right fit for your company.
Our Process
Our fully integrated background and drug screening experience provides real-time status updates of drug test results and allows for service of all your company’s background screening and drug testing needs.
- Tailor to Your Policy: We will execute a process to your specifications
- Real-time Status Updates: Every step of the process is annotated in our portal. You stay informed while filling your next position.
- Drug testing is done by urine analysis and the testing facility used is Quest Diagnostics.
Time to Delivery
5-7 Business Days
Package Pricing
$40 one time admin fee
$26.50 per test
Get started by paying your admin fee, from there can may choose if you would like to purchase Background Checks and Drug Testing or Only Background Checks.
Employee Handbook - Builder
Your Employee Handbook is one of the best and easiest defenses your business has against potential Labor Law issues. If you do not have an Employee Handbook, or have one that is either out of date or lacking necessary provisions, your business could be at risk for litigation and unnecessary legal fees and fines.
With the Employee Handbook Builder, you can get a fully compliant Employee Handbook in just minutes. Because this is a yearly subscription service, and because Employee Handbooks must be updated every year to remain compliant, you can rest assured that your Employee Handbook is protecting your business at a great price and with minimal interference to your business’s operations.
Written by top employment attorneys:
You get the exclusive, experienced insights from the HR legal experts at Jackson Lewis LLP, the leading labor and employment law firm representing management and specializing in the federal and state laws that affect employers.
Saves you time and money:
Employee Handbook Builder is completely Internet-based, unlike some employee handbook software products that require you to download applications to your desktop. With our Handbook Builder, you can work on your handbook from any computer with an Internet connection.
Complies with federal and state laws:
Some states have requirements that supersede federal laws on common employee handbook provisions. Employee Handbook Builder provides special sections for your state in the trickiest areas, including sexual harassment and leaves of absence.
Always up-to-date:
The experts at Jackson Lewis keep an eye on all the developments affecting your employee handbook so you don’t have to. If developments at the federal or state level suggest a change to your handbook, we’ll send you an alert with simple instructions on how to add the new language.
Save on printing and distribution cost:
We host your employee handbook for you. Just send a link, username, and password to your employees for access, or print for standard distribution.
Perfect for organizations of all sizes:
We support all 50 states, as well as some municipal areas, to support companies of all sizes for compliant employee handbooks.
Easy to comprehend return on investment (ROI):
Subscribers can save thousands of dollars vs. using attorneys or consultants, or up to 80% of the time spent annually on building and updating employee handbooks.*
*based on the average Handbook Builder user
English Employee Handbook Subscription - $350 per year.
This includes:
Employee Handbook - Update
Our Employee Handbook Update Service is designed to keep your organization’s policies and procedures current, compliant, and reflective of the latest legal requirements. With our comprehensive update service, your employee handbook will serve as an effective tool for communication, compliance, and organizational culture.
Key Features:
- Comprehensive Review: We conduct a thorough audit of your existing employee handbook, identifying outdated policies, gaps, and areas that require enhancement or clarification.
- Legal Compliance: Our experts ensure your handbook is up-to-date with the latest federal, state, and local employment laws, reducing the risk of legal liabilities.
- Custom Policy Development: We help you craft new policies tailored to your organization’s needs, such as remote work, diversity and inclusion, cybersecurity, and more.
- Digital Access: We provide a digital version of your updated handbook, making it easily accessible to all employees through your company’s intranet or HR portal.
- Legal Protection: Stay ahead of regulatory changes and avoid potential legal disputes by ensuring your handbook is compliant with the latest laws.
- Enhanced Clarity: Clearly communicate your expectations, policies, and procedures to employees, reducing confusion and inconsistencies.
- Improved Employee Relations: Foster a positive work environment with policies that are fair, transparent, and aligned with your company’s culture.
- Streamlined Processes: Simplify HR management by having a well-organized, up-to-date handbook that serves as a go-to resource for both management and employees.
How It Works:
- Handbook Submission: Provide us with your current Handbook, the state(s) in which you operate and your current employee count.
- Initial Consultation: We begin with a consultation to understand your organization’s needs, challenges, and goals for the handbook update.
- Handbook Audit: Our SHRP consultant reviews your existing handbook, identifying areas for improvement, ensures compliance with current laws & provides a quote for the cost to update.
- Policy Update and Development: Our SHRP consultant will update existing policies and develop new ones as needed, all tailored to your specific requirements.
- Review and Approval: We present the updated handbook for your review, making any necessary adjustments based on your feedback.
Pricing: Quoted Service
Contract and Documents Legal Review
Our Document and Contract Review Service is designed to provide comprehensive analysis and expert insights into your legal documents and contracts. Our service ensures that your documents are legally sound, aligned with your interests, and free of potential risks.
Pricing: Quoted Service
How It Works:
- Document Submission: Upload your contract or legal document through our secure portal.
- Initial Assessment: We conduct an initial review to understand the scope and specific areas of concern. Then we request a quote to assess the cost of review.
- Comprehensive Analysis: Our legal experts dive deep into the document, providing detailed feedback and suggested revisions.
How to Order
Translation Services
Interpretation and translation services globally in over 170 languages.
Specialized in the clear conveyance of written and spoken ideas for the legal and medical professions, as well as government, insurance, human resources, aerospace, finance, entertainment and travel industries.
Every project measures up to today's highest language industry standards.
Pricing: Quoted Service
Our translators have the many years of experience, as well as the credentials necessary, to provide you with the highest quality translated documents. We'll meet your tight deadlines, and we're happy to provide certified translations on request.
Our transcribers can take your multilingual recordings on DVDs, audio tapes, video tapes, mini-cassettes, and electronic files and convert them to written format. We also provide multilingual media services including voiceovers and subtitling.
Over-the-Phone Interpretation
Don't talk to a machine! Call for over-the-phone interpretation and have every call answered and connected by an expert member of our staff. And unlike other phone interpretation services, you can request court certified and other technically specialized interpreters.
Video Remote Interpretation
Get industry-leading video remote interpreting services for anywhere in the world, on any device, and at anytime. You can instantly access professional interpreters for a vast array of languages. And with our video remote interpreting, you keep costs down while enjoying our superior interpreting expertise.
Live On-Site Interpretation
Our interpreters are Federal Court Certified, State Court Certified, State Court Registered, State Administrative Hearing Certified, or State Medical Certified. Interpreters with government security clearances are also available. All interpreters have superior expertise and experience.
For Every Need and Industry
- Arbitrations
- Audio/video
- Brochures
- Client meetings
- Conferences
- Depositions
- eDiscovery
- Employee interviews
- Handbooks
- Hearings
- Legal documents
- Medical appointments
- Medical records
- Phone calls
- Recorded statements
- Technical patents
- Trainings
- Websites
How to Order
Labor Law
See all articlesCorporate Transparency Act Update
On Tuesday December 3, a Federal District Court for the Eastern District of Texas granted a
nationwide preliminary injunction against the enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act and its Reporting Rule.
This order temporarily suspends the requirement for a reporting company organized before January 1, 2024, to file a Beneficial Owner Information Report with FinCEN by January 1, 2025. It also pauses the 90-day reporting deadline for certain organizations formed between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024, as well as the forthcoming 30-day reporting deadline for reporting companies organized after January 1, 2025.
The U.S. Department of Justice is expected to appeal this injunction soon. The government may also ask the U.S. Court of Appeals to grant a stay of the injunction. Such action could result in reestablishing the required reporting until the questions around the enforcement of this Act are answered or it could potentially limit the injunction to only the plaintiffs in the Texas case.
We understand that some of our clients may choose to wait to file the Report and to see what may happen in the courts. However, we recommend preparing proactively in case the injunction is overturned or limited and timely reporting is required by January 1, 2025, or shortly thereafter.
We Recommend the Following Options for Clients Who Have Not Yet Filed:
1. Obtain a FinCEN ID: If you have not yet applied for a FinCEN ID and would like to streamline the reporting process if the injunction is overturned or limited, then by all means apply now.
2. Proceed with Filing: If you are a reporting company and are comfortable completing and filing the organization’s Report now while the government’s computer system is not being accessed by millions of filers, then by all means do so.
3. Collect Information: At a minimum, gather the necessary information to fulfill the reporting requirement so that you are ready if this is resolved in such a way that a short compliance window is imposed.
For Clients Who Have Already Filed:
1. No Further Action Required: If you have already submitted your Report, no additional steps are necessary at this time.
2. Maintain Records: Ensure that you retain copies of your submission and any related documentation for your records.
3. Monitor for Changes: If there have been any changes in the information you reported, consider whether you are comfortable filing an Updated Report within the required 30-day period.
Additional resources
For additional information contact
* Information provided by vonBriesen, Attorney at law.
Legal and HR Consulting Services
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Our client support team will review your question and send it to the appropriate attorney or consultant in your state.
Speak to Attorney
Your assigned attorney will call directly with an answer. Calls are typically 15-20 mins, depending on the question.
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“My Consulting Center has just been a lifesaver to us. I recently got promoted as director and with that came a lot of different concerns that I had. With having 35 employees, you’re going to have some problems. We’ve had some problems with when is the right time to terminate an employee, what are the OSHA laws that we have to follow, and I believe My Consulting Center has saved us thousands and thousands of dollars.”
John, Business Owner
Safety Articles
See all articlesEmergency Planning
Article by Traiden Global Solutions
We are all familiar with the public service announcements advising us to be prepared for emergencies. Take small steps to increase your disaster preparedness.
First, know your risks at home and at work. What industry do you work in? Are there chemical, fire, or other physical hazards? Where do you live and work and what are the earthquake, flood, wildfire, risks? Knowing your risks helps you identify necessary supplies, equipment, and procedures.
Make your workplace and home safe. Bolt down furniture and equipment. Secure items hung on walls and stored on shelves. Store hazardous chemicals in properly segregated containers. Prevent fires by maintaining good housekeeping.
Get emergency training. Know the procedures for evacuations, spill cleanup, earthquakes, and fire suppression. Be familiar with the alarm systems at work and home (silent, audible, strobes, speakers, etc.). Know where the nearest exits are and use them. Know where you should assemble outside the building to check in.
Make a home emergency plan and discuss with your family. Everyone should know how to communicate and where to meet in a disaster. Make special disaster plans for pets and family members with special needs along with schools and daycare facilities.
Build your disaster kit at home, work, and in the car. Begin with water and food. Add a first aid kit. Consider a radio or phone with phone lists. Add tools such as a flashlight, scissors, and knife. Add necessary medications, eyeglasses, comfortable shoes, warm clothes, and blankets.
Be trained in CPR and First Aid so that you can help others if they are hurt. Know how to use a fire extinguisher safely. Practice and drill emergency procedures so that you will be calm, capable, and prepared when disaster strikes.
For more tips, see the California Office of Emergency Services website at
The above evaluations and/or recommendations are for general guidance only and should not be relied upon for legal compliance purposes. They are based solely on the information provided to us and relate only to those conditions specifically discussed. We do not make any warranty, expressed or implied, that your workplace is safe or healthful or that it complies with all laws, regulations or standards.
Contractor Safety
Article by Traiden Global Solutions
When contractors perform services at employer worksites, a detailed contract and contractor safety program protects the health and safety of both employees and contractors. The employer and the contractor share an obligation to communicate planned work activities, the hazards involved, and the contracted tasks, as well as the training, tools, and equipment that all employees will need.
Before agreeing to work with a contractor, review the following data that gives insight to their safety culture and performance:
- History of safety and environmental regulation violations.
- Injury and loss history.
- Total Recordable Incident Rate.
- Experience modification rate (ex-mod).
- Job and task hazard analysis procedures and results.
- Written safety programs and policies.
Ensure that you outline requirements in the work contract and in contractor manuals so there is a clearly communicated expectation of workplace safety. Topics to consider include:
- Company and contractor safety responsibility and emergency contact information.
- A description of hazardous areas, equipment, materials, and tasks at the worksite.
- Safety programs that govern the safe work practices for the contracted job.
- Equipment, tools, and supplies that the contractor or the employer need to provide.
- Personal protective equipment (PPE) required at the worksite and for job tasks.
- Training and certifications that contracted employees need prior to conducting work.
- Reporting requirements and procedures for injuries, illnesses, hazards, and safety concerns.
- The expectation for a drug and alcohol free workplace.
It is important that contractors match or exceed the safety culture and standards of the employer. General safe work practices to emphasize include:
- Lockout/Tagout procedures for equipment on-site.
- A list of permit-required and non-permit-required confined spaces on-site.
- Heat illness prevention procedures.
- Trenching and excavation procedures and the location of utilities.
- A list of chemicals used on-site and access to safety data sheets.
- Areas where fall protection is required.
- Vehicle, driving, and traffic safety rules for the worksite.
- Good housekeeping methods.
- Worksite safety inspection processes and frequency of inspections.
- Worksite security procedures.
- Personal conduct requirements.
Training is important to familiarize employees with how to control job hazards and prevent injuries. Suggested initial and ongoing training topics include:
- A worksite safety orientation including a discussion of the hazards associated with the tasks of the job to be performed.
- The contents of contractor safety manuals.
- Pre-job briefings and shift meetings.
- Safety tailgate topics specific to the worksite and job tasks.
- Trainings that are required to control a hazard, condition, or behavior.
Ensure that you train general contractors on the worksite-specific emergency procedures and equipment. Knowledgeable employees and contractors can cooperate and make fast, quality decisions if they are prepared before an emergency occurs. The following topics and procedures at a minimum should be provided to employees and contractors:
- Fire prevention and evacuation plans.
- Emergency spill response and procedures.
- Exit routes and assembly areas for emergency evacuations.
- The location of emergency equipment such as fire extinguishers, first aid kits, and rescue equipment.
- Emergency contacts and communication methods.
- Rescue and medical duties for those employees who are to perform them.
Establishing clear expectations, communication, training, and monitoring all help employers and contractors work together to complete their jobs safely while also protecting the safety and health of all affected employees.
The above evaluations and/or recommendations are for general guidance only and should not be relied upon for legal compliance purposes. They are based solely on the information provided to us and relate only to those conditions specifically discussed. We do not make any warranty, expressed or implied, that your workplace is safe or healthful or that it complies with all laws, regulations or standards.
Active Shooter Preparedness
Article by Traiden Global Solutions
The Department of Homeland Security defines an active shooter as “an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area.” These incidents usually involve firearms and randomly selected targets or victims. Anyone involved in an incident should call emergency 911 as soon as it is safe to do so. Active shooter events are usually over within 10-15 minutes (sometimes before law enforcement arrives), so know how to respond if the unthinkable happens.
Active shooters may be current or former workers, family or friends of co-workers, or complete strangers. While it is difficult to foresee a stranger’s actions, you can look for characteristics that a person may be planning a shooting incident. Report any of the following observations or uneasy, “gut” reactions to your supervisor, management, and/or human resources:
- Increased use of alcohol, drugs, and absenteeism.
- Decreased hygiene and appearance.
- Depression and/or social withdrawal.
- Disregard for work quality or company policy.
- Mood swings and overly emotional responses.
- Paranoid, suicidal, or doomsday behavior or discussions.
- Increased discussion of violent incidents and weapons/firearms.
Often, the best choice is to evacuate the active shooter area. For evacuations:
- Always know two exits and escape routes in every building you visit.
- Guide others to the escape route and prevent them from entering the shooting zone.
- Exit whether others follow you or not.
- Don’t attempt to move wounded people.
- Keep your hands visible at all times and follow police instructions.
If you can’t escape an active shooter scenario, find a place to hide out.
- Ideally stay in, or find an office with a door that you can lock and/or barricade.
- Stay out of sight of windows.
- Silence your cell phone, turn off radios, TVs, etc. and stay quiet.
If you can’t evacuate or hide, call 911 and talk to the dispatcher or leave the phone line open so they can listen and record events. If possible, describe the location of the shooting, the shooter, and the weapons. Remain calm, listen, and think about your next moves.
Only as a last resort, and if your life is in “imminent danger,” should you take action against the shooter. If you must take action, “aggressively and overwhelmingly” attack the shooter with improvised weapons. Throw things and yell at the shooter. Law enforcement recommends that you “commit to your actions,” so don’t hesitate or stop in mid-action.
When law enforcement arrives at an active shooter scene, their first priority will be to stop the shooter. They will go past wounded victims and may push people down to the ground in order to stop the violence. Listen to officer commands. Keep your hands visible, raised, with fingers spread wide. Don’t shout, grab, point, or make distracting noises during officer response.
Create an emergency action plan to respond to an active shooter.
- Gather emergency responder, hospital, management, and building contact names and phone numbers.
- Discuss how to alert employees about an incident. Will you use a code word over the public address system, an all-call phone alert, texts, etc.?
- Procure supplies such as exit floor plans, first aid kits, staff rosters, flashlights, communication devices, etc.
Once you have your response procedures in place:
- Create a written plan.
- Train employees on the plan and how to react when gunshots are heard.
- Conduct an emergency drill around an active shooter scenario.
- Evaluate your drill success and adjust your plan and training as needed.
Active shooter situations can be random, with rapid and unpredictable events unfolding. Thinking about and practicing the proper response now can boost your chance of survival through the event, and in the aftermath.
For more information, response planning guides, and training resources, go to the Department of Homeland Security website on Active Shooter Preparedness.
The above evaluations and/or recommendations are for general guidance only and should not be relied upon for legal compliance purposes. They are based solely on the information provided to us and relate only to those conditions specifically discussed. We do not make any warranty, expressed or implied, that your workplace is safe or healthful or that it complies with all laws, regulations or standards.
Heat Stress Prevention Guide
A heat stress prevention guide may include tips for protecting people from heat-related illnesses, such as knowing the signs and symptoms, staying hydrated, and wearing appropriate clothing.
How to Prepare for an OSHA Inspection
An OSHA inspection form, also known as an OSHA inspection checklist, is a tool that helps employers and OSHA inspectors evaluate a workplace's safety practices and compliance with OSHA standards.
OSHA-NIOSH Heat Safety Tool App
The OSHA-NIOSH Heat Safety Tool is a useful resource for planning outdoor work activities based on how hot it feels throughout the day. It has a real-time heat index and hourly forecasts specific to your location. It also provides occupational safety and health recommendations from OSHA and NIOSH.
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Intro into our legal consulting services and how best to use them. Review of all products you will have access to and how to use HR Hero.
What states do you provide Legal and HR Consults?
Labor Law, Human Resources, Workers Comp, & Business Law Consulting are covered Nationwide.
Do you offer onsite training?
Yes, please contact support for specific trainings and a quote.
What information is needed for a Handbook Review?
Current Employee Handbook, Employee Count, and State or States your employees work in.